Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Red Bean & Coconut Milk Flavoured Potong Ice Cream Recipe

(Makes 10):

200g red beans
150 plus 120g sugar
1½  tablespoons cornflour
3 tablespoons water
125ml fresh milk
180ml coconut milk
1½ tablespoons condensed milk

How to make homemade potong ice cream sticks

1. Rinse red beans and place in a saucepan. Add enough water so that the beans are covered and cook until red beans soften.

2. Add 150 grams sugar and stir to dissolve. Turn off heat and set aside for later use in the recipe.

3. In another saucepan, blend cornflour with 3 tablespoons of water and cook until the mixture thickens.

4. Remove from heat, add remaining sugar and stir. Return saucepan to heat.

5. Add fresh milk, coconut milk and condensed milk. Increase the heat and cook until the mixture thickens. If the mixture becomes a little starchy and hard, just lift the saucepan off the heat. Be very careful not to overcook.

6. Stir in red beans and mix well.

7. Pour ice cream mixture into ice cream moulds.

8. Place in a freezer until ice cream set and hardens. Enjoy!

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