Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Benefits Of Eating Ice Cream

Craving for something sweet? What’s better than an ice cream?WHAT!!! You can’t eat ice cream? You think it is bad for your health, huh?Well, what if we tell you that eating ice cream is actually good for health? You don’t believe me, do you?You will…once you read these mind boggling facts about how eating ice cream can build up your health. You will surely get your bowls ready after reading this.

1. Rich in Calcium

Ice creams have a dairy base. They are made up of milk. Ice creams are therefore rich in calcium. The benefits of calcium go a long way.
Calcium strengthens your bones and boosts up your energy. To get strong bones and a fit body, have ice cream. Calcium in ice cream protects the teeth and builds strong gums. So, now you don’t have to think twist before treating yourself with a scoop of ice cream.

2. Burst of energy

Along with the nutritional value ice cream provides, it is also an incredible source of energy. Ice cream is rich in carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which helps our body in producing energy.
Plus the proteins present in ice cream helps our body to build and repair muscle tissues.

3. Great source of vitamins

Ice cream is a rich source of vitamins–A, D, K, B-6, B-12 and E–to name a few (Phew!!). You know what these vitamins can do.
Vitamin A improves eye sight, improve immune system; Vitamin D absorbs calcium and other healthy nutrients from the food and stores them in the kidneys; Vitamin K increases blood flow in the body, opens blocked blood cells and prevents blood clotting; Vitamin B12 improves memory and nervous system.
Ice cream also contains niacin, thiamine, and riboflavin, much needed vitamins of vitamin B family.

4. Ice cream can help you lose weight!!!

Yes it is true!!! Ice cream can help you lose weight. How?
Having something cold increases the body temperature. As it is tendency of our body, it has to warm anything cold that enters the body. In the process of adjusting the temperature, the body burn calories and fat. So eat ice-cream,IN-LIMITS, and lose weight.

5. Reduce risk of cancer

The calcium content in ice cream also helps in reducing the chances of colon cancerCalcium seems to protect high-risk people from developing the polyps that can lead to colorectal or colon cancer and the benefits appear to last long after calcium supplementation ends.

6. Hello happiness

We all know that ice cream makes us happy and it is a proven fact too. Ice cream stimulates the brain chemical, Thrombotonin, also known as Serotonin, which is responsible for aiding in sleep, learning, and overall mood well-being.
Another brain chemical, Dopamine, is released by brain when you eat ice cream. This chemical is a natural mood booster and is responsible for elation and pleasure.
There is no need to dying inside, resisting a big bite of that melting ice cream. But eat in moderation. A big scoop a week is enough to keep your cravings in check and to gain all these nutritional benefits of ice cream. Over eating of ice cream can nullify all the benefits that you have gained and can also affect your health.

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